Bible Bridge
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Bible Covered Bridge
Located in southwest Greene County, approximately 12 miles from Greeneville, The Bible Covered Bridge is a unique bridge.
The Bible Bridge was built in 1923 by the E.A. Bible family as a private bridge to serve their farm. A self-taught engineer, A.A. McLean, who practiced in Greene County, built the bridge. In 1940, the county court requested the county's financial committee to determine a just compensation for Mr. Bible in order to make public his farm road and bridge. The court agreed to pay him $750 for the bridge.
Bible Covered Bridge
The bridge contains a covered wooden Queenpost truss span 44.7 feet in length, a covered timber stringer 12.5 feet in length, and a timber stringer 11.6 feet in length. The roadway width is 11.8 feet, and the minimum vertical clearance is 8.4 feet. The bridge sits on a concrete substructure of two piers and two abutments.
Bible Covered Bridge is located southeast of I-81 as it passes through Greene County, off US 11-E (State Route 340, Warrensburg Road) at its intersection with the Bible Bridge Road (Parrotsville Quad, 172 SE). Located on a roadside pull-off on a bypassed segment of the Bible Bridge Road, the bridge spans Little Chucky Creek.